The sun dawned red on the battle field below
bodies rose like lumbering Goliaths
twisted limbs wrapped 'round them
denying the gapping maw within.
Mists flee before the graying light
slithering, sneaking, sliding
over and under, between and beside
humps of withered flesh.
As dawns fair light creeps above
piercing dewy darkened ash below
one with those I see, I stand
the watcher.
Depressing? Meh. Dark? Maybe. Visual? I hope so...
I don't write poetry often - really I don't think it's my forte. But there are times when something happens in life, or when you see an image that the only words to describe it and the feeling you get is through poetry. At least, that's how it is for me lol, not sure about the rest of you.
I found this image while stumbling pictures. This is the site I found it on. There are many wonderful images, but once I saw this one, I stopped. Now that I've gotten this out of the way, I'll keep looking :-). http://www.alpics.net/
PS: I'll make the image bigger when blogger stops giving me an error message...