My friend Steve(n) who gave me the camera for my birthday. Without his generous gift I would be stuck taking film photos and you would be left waiting for me to get them developed.
Also, my friend and "husband" Andy. While we sat at the coffee shop one day he started playing with my camera out of boredom and in the process learned more about it than I ever would have. Without his experiments many of the pictures you will would not have happened.
Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Red
These two pictures were taken in my car playing with the Accent Color feature. And may I just say I love that feature! You can do some very amazing things with it.
Identical shots, different colors accented. I did edit these: slight blurring of the edges and color enhancement, as well as touch-ups to remove dust specs and such.
I know they aren't the most "artistic" of shots, but I really like them. I like how the eye is automatically drawn to the color and (at least to me) feels almost forced to stay there because it is the only thing to really see.
Isn't that what Pepsi and Coke are really trying for anyway? To make their audience see them...everywhere?