His head nodded in time to the gritty folk strains pouring from the old record player in the corner. Calloused finger tips, nicked and bent with age, traced the arm of the rocking chair he had built 30 years ago. He sighed.
Through the partially closed door to his office, down the pea-green wallpapered hallway, across the living room where pictures of his children and grandchildren smiled, and into the kitchen, he could hear his wife preparing dinner.
Settling his tired body more comfortably into the cushioned chair, he folded his arms. Minutes passed, slowed in their passing by the ageless music that continued to softly fill the sunlit room. His head began to sink, and soon his chin was resting gently between the open collar of his golf shirt. His eyes closed. He sighed.
His wife called, dinner was ready.
He did not hear her .